Saturday, December 13, 2008

Donald Trump and Robert Kiyosaki : Why we want You to be rich

T. Harv Eker's Secrets of the Millionaire Mind!

Want to buy T Harv Eker's book? To embark on your own Millionaire journey...

T Harv Eker : Untold Millionaire Secrets Live On Fox News

T Harv Eker's Interview with Fox News


This short clip will tell you who T Harv Eker is... what he teaches in the Millionaire Mind INtensive.. ENJOY!

S'pore home to world's fastest-growing population of millionaires

S'pore home to world's fastest-growing population of millionaires
By Tung Shing Yi, Channel NewsAsia Posted: 28 June 2007 1949 hrs

SINGAPORE : Singapore is home to the world's fastest-growing population of millionaires, according to the annual world wealth report compiled by Merrill Lynch and the Capgemini Group.
The number of high net worth individuals in Singapore grew by 21.2% last year to reach almost 67,000 millionaires.
Singapore's millionaire boom is part of a global trend that saw the number of high net worth individuals rise 8.3% to reach 9.5 million last year.
Among the super-rich are a group called the ultra-rich, with assets over US$30 million.
The growth of these ultra high net worth individuals grew 11.3%, outpacing that of high net worth individuals and suggesting a growing concentration of wealth.
"The main reasons for the growth in the number of high net worth individuals was GDP growth, which was about 8.2% in Singapore last year, and the strong market capitalisation growth reflected in the stock market. Also, Singapore's strong savings rate has helped in the creation of wealth," said Kong Eng Huat, MD of Merrill Lynch, International Bank.
India and Indonesia follow closely behind Singapore in the list of countries with the fastest-growing number of millionaires.
The survey also pointed out a growing preference among wealthy investors to put money into the real estate market.
While the high-end luxury sector in Singapore has been seeing strong demand, Merrill Lynch sees the bull run spilling over to the mass market segment over the next three years.
Mark Matthews, senior director and chief Asia Strategist at Merrill Lynch said: "More and more people are coming to work in Singapore, and as a result of that, people will move out of Districts, 9, 10, 11, into areas like Bukit Timah or East Coast, and prices are increasing in these neighbourhoods as well.
"There's not enough in the private residential sector to meet demand. I believe there are only less than 40,000 vacant condominiums left in Singapore now, and we're expecting over 100,000 people to move here this year."
Global assets held by wealthy investors rose 11.4 percent to $37.2 trillion in 2006, but the growth rate is forecast to slow to 6.8% annually over the next four years.
Going forward, Merrill Lynch expects more central banks to tighten monetary policy, bringing a possible end to the period of high liquidity that has stimulated recent growth.
Growth rates in Asia are expected to ease back as global demand slows. - CNA /ls

So the question to ask ourself is this...

Friday, December 12, 2008

Winning the "MONEY" GAME

This is a powerful declaration for Winning the "MONEY" GAME
  • I am an excellent money manager.

  • I always pay myself first.

  • I put money into my financial freedom fund every day.

  • My money works hard for me and makes me more and more money.

  • I earn enough passive income to pay for my desired lifestyle.

  • I am financially free. I work because I choose to, not because I have to.

  • My part-time business is managing and investing my money, and creating passive income streams.

Winning the "MIND" GAME

This is a powerful declaration for Winning the "MIND" GAME
  • I create my life. I create the exact amount of my financial success.

  • I play the money game to win. My intention is to create wealth and abundance.

  • I admire and model rich and successful people.

  • I believe money is important, money is freedom, and money makes life more enjoyable.

  • I get rich doing what I love.

  • I deserve to be rich because I add value to other people's lives.

  • I am a generous giver and an excellent receiver.

  • I am truly greatful for all the money I have now.

  • Lucrative opportunities always come my way.

  • My capacity to earn, hold and grow money expands day-by day.

The Importance of Money Management

START MANAGING YOUR MONEY NOW! Not tomorrow or next week BUT NOW! There is no excuse such as "I'll manage when I have big money". Start now with as little as $1 and get into the habit ... until it becomes second nature or natural to you! The truth is that when you start to manage money, you will have lots of it !! SO START TODAY !! NOW !!

Lots of people also ask... What about bill payment? I got to settle the debt first before I start to split the money into the JARS right? WRONG, you have to split your income first, then use NEC JAR to pay the bill and debt.

You'll somehow manage to pay them all if you do it properly. Why? BECAUSE... If you focus on paying debt / bill, more debt will come to you. When you finish paying all the debt, somehow your mind missing something and automatically it will create new debt.... and before you know it debt starts to pile up! How about trying to shift your focus to your FFA account and aim towards reaching financial freedom sooner.... SEE YOU AT THE TOP!

Introducing the world's simplest Money Management Method

The main different between rich people and poor people is simply because rich people are REALLY VERY VERY VERY GOOD AT MONEY MANAGEMENT SKILLS.

T Harv Eker recommends the JARS SYSTEM.... Wat just 6 STUPID JARS can get you out of your financial mess? I was skeptical and still am skeptical.. but I guess it is the discipline that he is teaching ... start NOW !! I have started but I do admit that I DID NOT FOLLOW THROUGH... I need to seriously give myself a slap in the face for that.... SLAP !! OUCH !! WAKE UP MAN !!

So here it goes.... You need to manage your money by splitting your net income after tax into 6 saving accounts / physical jars (if you have to pay the tax by yourself, create one more account and put it 10-20% for your tax, then split the remaining money into the 6 accounts)... Even if you are living off your savings or in Retirement.. You still use the JARS !!

Presenting the 6 JARS.. Drumroll......Remember to CONTRIBUTE TO ALL JARS EVERY MONTH... :

* The % for each account is flexible, you can adjust it accordingly.

1. Financial Freedom Account (FFA) JAR - 10%

This is your GOLDEN GOOSE. GO ahead give ya goose a name ... I call mine GOLDY the Golden Goose.... alright I do admit its cheesy sounding ... but who cares.. its my goose and I love my goose... LOVE YOUR GOOSE.. TAKE CARE OF IT NOW AND IT WILL TAKE CARE OF U LATER !! Sounds logical right?

This is YOUR PASSPORT TO FINANCIAL FREEDOM !! The money that you put into this account is used for investments and building your passive income streams. How to do that??? We will talk about it in the upcoming blog postings.. Your passive income revenue goes into the FFA !! Throw your pocket change into the FFA at the end of every day !!

So the REAL PURPOSE OF THE FFA ACCOUNT is to build a huge amount of money (to feed the goose till its a big fat golden goose) so that it can be used to create passive business income (small geese) along the way. You CAN NEVER EVER SPEND MONEY IN YOUR FFA ACCOUNT (never ever kill the goose), not even when you're retire.

The money in the FFA is used to build your legacy, when you pass this account to your children, tell them this "NEVER SPEND THE GOOSE, but they can you can enjoy that the SMALL GEESE is generating."

Example: If your expense is $100k a year, you can be financially free if you have $1m in this account that gives you 10% interest/year.

2. Long Term Saving for Spending Account (LTSS) JAR - 10%

This is the money that you save for the BIG TICKET ITEMS (nice to have purchases) or used as a secondary means to pay down your debt. You start saving for your car, house, our child education, etc. you can have more than 1 LTSS account (of total 10%) with 1 purpose for each account. Here is a tip: DELAY PURCHASING YOUR BIG TICKET ITEMS UTIL YOU HAVE THE MONEY... DO NOT PURCHASE ON CREDIT !! POSTPONE TILL ALL YOUR DEBT IS CLEARED BEFORE YOU START SPENDING AGAIN... Remember to leave at least $1 in the jar at all times... never let it be $0... :)

3. Education Account (EDU) JAR - 10%

Money in this account is for YOUR EDUCATION - your personal or professional development. T Harv Eker said "If you are not growing, you are dying". Ben Franklin said this "If you think education is expensive, try ignorance". In a fast changing world, education is the way to keep abreast of what is happening.


You can use money in this EDU JAR to purchase Books, Audio, Videos, CD's, Courses, Seminars or anything that has educational value.

YOUR CHILD Should have his/her own set of EDUCATION JAR ... This is for YOUR OWN EDUCATION !!

4. Necessity Account (NEC) JAR - 55%

This is for your daily expenses and it does includes bills as well. Basically it covers your necessities like rent, food, bills, utilities, mortgage, personal grooming, and ONLY NECESSARY CLOTHINGS... THese are things in life that you cannot do without..

5. Play Account (PLAY) JAR - 10%

All work and no play makes Jack a dull boy!! Admit it .. we all need play to keep ourself sane or keeping us from being insane... You get my point and Yes you guess it ... the PLAY ACCOUNT is next! This is the best .. you know why? You get to spend it every month on YOURSELF... thats PAMPERING YASELF !! Yes you heard me right.. YOU HAVE TO SPEND ALL THE MONEY EVERY MONTH ON YOURSELF !! How cool is that man??

OR if you need to save for cash for something bigger, you can only keep it for maximum 3 months and then SPEND IT. You could purchase an expensive bottle of wine at dinner, get a massage or go on a weekend getaway...

PLAY TO YOUR HEART'S CONTENT... The idea here is for you to taste and experience a LITTLE LUXURY LIFESTYLE that you never experienced on before. It is for you to enjoy the fruits of your labour on a continuous basis...

6. Give Account (GIVE) - 5% (Minimum) JAR

What's the use of being a millionaire if you don't give back to society? It is society that make you what you are today!

Yes Give money !! What is 5% of your income when you see the smiles that it bring... yes true MONEY CAN'T REALLY BUY HAPPINESS.. but at least you help a portion of the society .. at least you touch some people's life with your valuable gift of money... The GIVE ACCOUNT is for giving to those in need or for donation. You can give your money to a charity or even someone that you know personally who is in need.


1. It's the law of universe. It says "give and you shall receive"
2. How do you feel to be able to give money to a person you know who really needs the money?
3. When you give, you're sending a sign of abundance to the Universe, that you have plenty of everything. This will magnetically attract more abundance to you. Another law of universe: like attract like.

Getting to the ROOT OF OUR LIFE

The MMI 2008 seminar is really a DAMN TIRING DAYS… ever .. who would ever thought that a seminar could be soo serious ??? As in its like Friday till Sunday 9 am till like 11pm …. Frankly it was a good seminar IF YOU FILTER ALL THE DAMN SALES TALK… in fact from the way they sell their other courses.. you can really see TRUE SALESMANSHIP IN ACTION !!

Its amazing and high charged energy environment…. And everytime saying “ YOU’re AMAZING !!” or “ You have a millionaire mind !” TO the people around u helps to build positive energy all around….

So as T Harv Eker would say “How you do ANYTHING is how you DO EVERYTHING !”

I don’t really regret attending this seminar as I believe the knowledge is worth lots more money IF WE PUT WHAT WE LEARN INTO ACTION !!

T Harv Eker is a no-nonsense guru that we all can learn from… His concept about money and the changing the mindset on how we view money is really something we all can learn from…
Harv said “Give me 5 mins and I can predict your financial future for the rest of your life.” This means our RESULT IN LIFE are actually the fruits of a tree… Whether we are going to be rich, poor or successful in life… we got to start working on the ROOT OF OUR TREE ( that means to say our INNER SELF : Our Mind – How we think , Our Emotions – How we feel and Our Spirit – Our beliefs and who we really are)…. So what is your INNER SELF like?